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A 6 Month Hybrid Group Coaching Program For Stylists, Suite Owners & Salon Owners Ready To Increase Their Clientele, Scale Their Revenue, And Create Massive Growth In Their Careers. 

The Accelerator

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Have you ever had one of those days where you look at your appointment book and just feel... deflated? You’ve poured your heart into this business. You’ve spent countless hours perfecting your craft, taking every course, staying late to accommodate clients, and yet, the results just aren’t there. It feels like no matter what you do, you’re stuck on this hamster wheel—running and running, but never really getting anywhere.

It’s exhausting, isn’t it? You start questioning everything—why aren’t more clients booking? Why does it seem like everyone else is killing it while you’re barely scraping by? You’re working weekends, missing out on time with friends and family, and yet, the financial rewards just don’t reflect the effort you’re putting in. You thought by now, you’d be further ahead—maybe even hitting that elusive six-figure mark. But instead, you’re constantly worrying about slow weeks and wondering if this dream of yours is really sustainable.

No More POsting In Hopes That You Will *Finally* get the clients you deserve

It's Time To
Transform Your Career


So many talented stylists, suite owners, and salon owners find themselves in this exact position. You’re passionate about what you do, but you’re also tired of the inconsistency—the weeks where your chair is barely filled, the slow seasons that leave you scrambling, and the relentless pressure to keep up with bills and expenses. You’re itching for more, knowing deep down that you deserve more, but the path to success feels confusing and uncertain.

If you're anything like me (& most of my clients) , you're  ready to grow your clientele & income WITHOUT the endless amount of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm that comes from trying desperately to grow. 

You're eager to start following a proven path to successfully growing your business without wasting time, energy, or money on “shiny objects” that keep you stuck in place.

And... You're ready for support. REAL support, from a mentor that actually sees you for you. Sees your biggest problems, blind spots, and stress points, and stands by your side & helps you fix them. 

I'm Shelby Davis
Founder Of Ivy League Stylist

When I started doing hair, I thought "I've got this in the bag. Building a clientele & hitting six figures will be a piece of cake"... (I attest: it’s no cakewalk)

Reality smacked me in the face, fast. I realized that even though I was a great hairstylist…

...I didn’t know the first thing about how to grow my clientele, or operate a business.

Instead of the freedom I thought I’d have as a stylist, I was becoming a slave to my new business, trying to keep up with the day-to-day tasks, desperately struggling to grow my client base, market myself, and learn hwo to budget....

Even though I could technically “make my own schedule”... I was working more than I ever had before - all on stuff that actually didn't move the needle in my business, and to make matters worse? My business wasn't even profitable.

I wanted to be able to work normal hours, make a consistent income, and not have to worry about how I was going to afford dinner with my friends. I wanted to GROW - open a salon, and see huge success...

But, I was stuck.

I genuinely thought I would have to leave this career forever, and find something else to help me make an income in life...

I Was in a terrifying position. 

& FINALLY having the financial (and time) freedom I Craved.

Opening my DREAM salon one year later - where we apply the SAME marketing and sales principles - which have allowed us to generate MULTIPLE MILLIONS in revenue

Becoming fully booked in less than a year, and generating well over 6 figures

I absolutely NEEDED to make a change. 

I dove into Marketing & Sales, and watched my business transform in a matter of months. I went from struggling - to:

That's When I Realised:

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These are the same systems I used to grow my salon to massive success. They are the same systems I use to “work less and make more”... And they are the SAME systems I am still using to scale both my salon & my online businesses today. Plus, When you learn these systems inside Ivy League Stylist Accelerator, you will finally know EXACTLY how to market yourself, your business, and achieve the results you crave - no matter your goals. 


Now, I get to teach stylists, salon & suite owners like you, how to achieve freedom of time, finances, and the business of their dreams with


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  • making 6+ figures with 3 days a week behind the chair
  • Increasing their income
  • Increasing their free time
  • Opening a suite
  • Growing and expanding their salon team
  • Learning to spend their time doing things that moved the needle
  • Tripling their clientele in just 30 days
  • Doubling their income in 90 days
  • Increasing pricing by $100+ dollars a service - and GAINING clients while doing it

Want To Hear Some Of The Wins our accelerator students have experienced?

Ready to dive in!?

Apply now!

The problem with “doing it yourself” when scaling a salon business - is that it takes YEARS of trial and error + a whole lot of questioning every single life choice you’ve ever made at 2 am lying in bed unable to sleep.
(Trust me, I know.)

If that’s your jam and you want to do it all alone, go for it…

But Our Accelerator is not a “do it yourself” program. We are here to grow your Salon business WITH you.

That means that we treat your business like our own and show you the EXACT path to take for you to get max results ASAP.

This One - Is PERSONAL.

most programs on the internet are do it yourself. 

Most of the programs you'll find online are diy

I truly CANNOT WAIT to get to know you, your business, and help you accelerate your growth this year! 

we will reach out to you via instagram dm's within 24-48 hours, to make sure you are a perfect fit for our program!

Once you join, you will get immediate access to our course library, weekly calls, and access to schedule your first 1:1!

What Happens After
 You Apply?

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